Coronaquilt Silhouette
Art Refuge Initiative
Art Refuge uses art and art therapy to support the mental health and well-being of people displaced due to conflict, persecution and poverty, both in the UK and internationally.
Following the success of our Coronaquilt Initiative (https://www.coronaquilt.org), Art Refuge in collaboration with artist Aida Silvestri and Counterpoints Arts are creating ways of engaging with how people are feeling during the coronavirus crisis. We will offer art and word as a thread to initiate a dialogue in connecting people across the globe and to identify their current state of mind. We hope to promote collective and individual shared experiences by targeting this current situation that is common for everyone.
Coronavirus has put the world on hold and people across the globe are in isolation. Many charities that usually support vulnerable people have either had to reduce their service, move online or temporarily shut down.

How are vulnerable people coping with this added stress? What are the added challenges during this crisis? What are the concerns?
We are inviting individuals across the UK and internationally to take part in the Coronaquilt Silhouettes Initiative. We are also reaching out to charities and organisations both in the UK and internationally who work with people who have been displaced by conflict, persecution or poverty, and with people who are isolated for whatever reason, including the Covid-19 pandemic.
We would like you to describe your mental health state during coronavirus with a word or a brief sentence/poem that summarises your feelings, challenges and concerns around the current situation. As well as text, we would also like you to submit either a profile silhouette or a profile picture. These components will be used to create a Coronaquilt Silhouette piece by the artist. Ultimately, the smaller pieces will be stitched together to create a larger piece and printed onto a fabric.
What is a coronaquilt?
The Corona pattern is a traditional pattern, a bit like a crown, made up of triangles and squares, which are then sewn together to make a patchwork cloth.
What is the Silhouette Portrait?
Silhouette portraits were popular during the Victorian era, before the invention and during the early years of photography. The traditional method of creating silhouette portraits was to cut them out from a dark lightweight card and mount them on a pale or white background. Today, they can be drawn, painted or taken from existing profile photographs.
What to do?
- Take a side profile picture against a pale or white background with your mobile phone
- Describe your current state of mind with one word or a short sentence/poem.
- Please tell us what is your heritage
- Add location: City, Country
- Add: Date
- Email it to: projects@artrefuge.org.uk
We can also arrange for the artist to take your side profile image via Zoom or Whatsapp call.
What is next?
Once your picture and text are received, the artist Aida Silvestri (www.aidasilvestri.com) will create a Coronaquilt Silhouette with your image and text. Ultimately, the smaller pieces will be stitched onto a larger piece and printed onto fabric to create a large tapestry.
- We value your privacy and we will not share your profile photograph to the public.
- Please be aware that your silhouette and text/poems will be shared on different platforms and hopefully shown in an exhibition space soon.
- All contributions will remain anonymous on the final artwork.
Facebook and Twitter @artrefugeuk
© Coronaquilt – ArtRefuge 2020 – Registered Charity 1114353 . All Rights Reserved – Donate – Designed by www.geneclosuit.com